Photobashed SketcUp and Rhino models over location photos - "Westworld" HBO



Photobashed location photos and SketchUp models - "Ryan" director's pitch AMAZON

Photobashed Rhino, Vectorworks and Modo models - "Train Series" director's pitch TNT

Photobashed SketchUp models - "Testament" director's pitch VOLTAGE PICTURES

Photobashed SketchUp models - "Cosmos: Possible Worlds" NATGEO

Photobashed location photos - "Zeus" director's pitch NETFLIX

Cans embedded in rock modeled and rendered in Modo - "Kowa Coffee" commercial Japan

Medical prop device modeled in Rhino, rendered in Keyshot - "The Dropout" HULU

Photobashed pistols, casket modeled in Form-Z, rendered in Maxwell - "The Sixth Gun" NBC

Pencil character costumes & location build concepts - "My Bloody Valentine" LIONSGATE

Digital pen sketch on Google Earth image - "Revolution" NBC

Pencil sketch and digitally colored render - "The Summoner" director's pitch

Quick ballpoint pen / pencil on script pages and location photos - "Lost" BAD ROBOT / ABC

Colored pencil sketch - "Citizen Verdict" COLUMBIA TRISTAR

Watercolor and pen - "The Mangler" NEW LINE

Complex Midjourney promts for a Victorian steampunk medical bed with gauges and lights.

Complex Midjourney promts for a Victorian closet with an old slide projector built inside, partially hidden behind clothes and a lens mounted in the door with old glass slides in a tray.


Complex Midjourney promts for a Victorian medicine dispenser based on a gumball machine that is mounted on a wall in an asylum.


Various Midjourney promts for a Victorian grandfather clock design with decorative moldings.

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